Did Kim Davis have her rights violated?


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If you don’t know the story here is a quick recap. Kim Davis is a Kentucky county clerk, and she refused to issue a marriage licenses to same-sex couples based on her religious beliefs despite the Supreme Court’s order to legalize same-sex marriage. She was arrested for disobeying the order by the Supreme Court. She claimed she was arrested based on her religious beliefs, which violated her civil rights.

Now the big question. Were Kim Davis’ rights violated when she was arrested?

I don’t feel Davis’ rights were violated in anyway. Her religion doesn’t give her the right to violate the law. There has to be a separation between religion and state. Davis has a job to do just like any other working American, and if she can be allowed to pick and choose who can and cannot get service then other people will believe they can do the same thing.

Should an ice cream shop owner be able to refuse service to someone based on their race? No, because it is wrong to discriminate against anyone. Davis is discriminating based on sexual orientation, and that is just as wrong as discriminating based on race.

Not only is it it wrong, but it is also illegal. So not only should Davis have been arrested because she disobeyed the Supreme Court’s order, but also for discriminating against people based on their sexual orientation. Davis being held accountable for being intolerant is not violating her rights, but upholding the rights of those she refuse to issue marriage licenses to even though they have the same right to marry as she does.

Davis now has three choices.

  1. Find a new job.
  2. Do her current job correctly.
  3. Keep refusing to do her job correctly and get arrested. Then fired.



Kim Davis Memes

Oreo’s Digital Marketing


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The Oreo tweet in response to the Superbowl blackout is described by many as marketing mastery. They took advantage of an unusual situation and immediately received numerous retweets and sparked discussion all over Twitter. The Oreo company stroke gold and began branching off to many different outlets. They advertise through YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and their website; which is used to tie together their numerous social networks.



Oreo utlilized social media to promote its 100 year anniversary with the Daily Twist campaign. The campaign took new stories and represent them as an oreo in an creative manner. The purpose of the campaign was to give Oreo a fresh, new look. And to cause excitement for Oreo’s upcoming birthday celebration. It increased followers, views, and shares of OreImageo related content.  

The only suggestion I have for Oreo to continue its digital branding successfully is to increase the frequency of post on Facebook and Instagram. The Twitter is filled with update tweets that is essential for the increasing in followers. A slightly increase in post will likely increase the number of followers and shares on social media sites.


